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  • Engineering (Structural, Mechanical, & Fire Protection) Assessment of Building 11, 12, and 13 - Port of Palm Beach
    Buildings 11, 12 (Gulfstream) and 13 (Port Facilities) had passed their warranted time periods at the Port of Palm Beach. ECF Engineering Consultants was charged with assessing the engineered systems (HVAC, Electrical, Plumbing and Structural) to determine the adequacy of each system and the long term feasibility of each building. ECF provided recommendation to mitigate any system deficiencies. ECF Engineering Consultants provided the necessary personnel to perform the engineering systems assessments, to determine the required repairs, produce a construction scope of work, prepare repair design drawings and bid ready documents to advertise for contractor's proposals to rehabilitate each structure.
  • Generator Upgrade - Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office
    Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office requested electrical system modifications and standby generator upgrade to include entire facility at their Community Drive facility in West Palm Beach, Florida. ECF Engineering Consultants prepared construction documents to add standby generator that services the entire buildings electrical load including air conditioning with a new generator. ECF provided complete system specifications and needed switching requirements. ECF evaluated the generator main line to the main electric room, switching and all related equipment and include any needed upgrades in wiring or equipment from the generator to the main electric room. The new generator was sized for a run time of no less than three (3) days at full system load. ECF also evaluated the space needed for the new unit and provide structural drawings for concrete pad extension, fuel capacity, run times and all related needs encompassing the upgrade and replacement of the unit. The system designed by ECF included cathodic protection of new generator and associated equipment.
  • Christ Fellowship Healing Temple Renovations -Christ Fellowship
    ECF was responsible for the MEP (mechanical, electrical and plumbing) design and engineer of record for this 2,000 SF multipurpose religious facility located in Pahokee, Florida.
  • ICYG Learning Center & Museum - Inner City Youth Golf, Inc.
    The ICYG Learning Center & Museum is a 3,260 Sq. Ft. educational facility built to celebrate the accomplishments of African American in golf. ECF Engineering Consultants was the engineer of record for this project in designing the HVAC, Electrical, Plumbing and Fire Protection systems. The HVAC system utilized a multi-zone approach to manage peak and off-peak loads the facility will see. The electrical system incorporated photomataic lighting sensors and smart switches for energy efficiency. The fire protection system was design to exceed minimum requirements in considering students safety while using the facility.
  • Ephesus Junior Academy - South Eastern Conference of the Seventh Day Adventist
    ECF Engineering Consultants were the engineers of record for the mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire protection design at this new education facility. The engineered systems for this project included dedicated 100% outside air units per classroom for optimum air quality. Energy efficient light fixtures and controls throughout. Use of innovative duct work to reduce project cost. ECF design staff worked closely with the client to exceed expectations and deliver engineered systems catered to their needs. Facility is 36,500 SF.
  • Seventh Day Adventist - New Youth Pavilion
    The Southeastern Conference of the Seventh Day Adventist commissioned a new multipurpose facility in Hawthorne, Florida. The New Youth Pavilion/ Gymnasium located at the conference's camp ground is a 10,000 SF new construction facility with classroom learning spaces, first floor basketball arena, second floor fitness area and indoor track and commercial kitchen facilities. ECF Engineering Consultants was the engineer of record for the HVAC, electrical, plumbing and fire protection systems. The HVAC system utilized energy efficient technology the will incorporate the ability to deliver a controlled climate during peak and part loads for the building. The electrical systems was designed with high efficient LED lighting throughout and energy management system that allows the flexibility for a facility with such a diverse operational needs. The camping facility utilizes a self contained water treatment plant. ECF incorporated the plumbing system to seamless integrate into the water plant. Dry type plumbing fixtures were used in consideration of water conservations and an energy efficient recirculating hot water loop was designed into the facility. The new facility was located outside the local municipalities water main access, so the fire protection design utilized ground well system to a storage tank with fire protection pumps to activate when needed.
  • ECF Engineering Corporate Headquarters
    ECF Engineering Consultants is the engineer of record for the HVAC, Electrical and Plumbing systems of this new 20,000 SF Class A Office Facility. The HVAC design by Team ECF is a chilled water ice thermal storage system with variable air volume on the air side. This system was chosen to utilize the benefits of off peak rates when satisfying building HVAC needs. The electrical system components included smart windows and internal automatic light control for light harvesting. The facility power supply shall be supplemented with roof mounted photo voltaic cells to lesson the power demand needs from the local utility. PV cells will also afford ECF the opportunity to provide power to the grid during minimum building usage. Plumbing system incorporates smart water heater technology to reduce energy usage when not utilized.
  • Ash Building Fan Motor Upgrades - Covanta Resource Recovery
    ECF Engineering Consultants (ECF) was responsible for the detailed electrical design and the production of construction documents relating to the replacement of 100 HP fan motors with 200 HP fan motors serving the Ash Management Building. ECF specified the new fan's wire and breaker size. ECF also coordinated and specified the new fan's control schemes and control wire integration with existing operations. The specification for the fan's disconnect switch size and location were included in this project. Auxiliary equipment to the fan's operation, like motor starter and control panel location were included also.
  • Organic Nutrition - Pranger Enterprises
    ECF Engineering Consultants to provide engineering services for the design of HVAC system for a new Organic Nutrition facility in Boynton Beach, Florida. The HVAC system shall utilize on site pond/lake as a geothermal solution. ECF will first perform a feasibility study to determine on-site lake conditions. Lake volume, seasonal temperature gradients and estimated heat exchange rate shall be determined during the study phase. The feasibility study of the HVAC system for Organic Nutrition will consisted of performing an analysis of the on-site lake to determine characteristics. The assessment report highlighted the cooling load capacity of on-site lake. The design a complete and functional HVAC system that provides an environment for Organic Nutrition that is conducive to clean air work facility for employees and quality air environment for growing processes.4. Provide construction administration services for the implementation of HVAC system.
  • Aviation Facility Electrical Engineering Services - Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office
    ECF Engineering Consultants was the engineer of record for the evaluation of a existing transformer within the main jail facility and its sub panels. The project also included the addition of one (1) 20 amp circuit for new equipment use.
  • Generator Upgrade for Fleet/General Services - Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office
    ECF Engineering Consultants prepared construction documents to replace the current diesel generator that services the entire fleet/general services building electrical load, including air conditioning, with a new generator. ECF provided complete specifications of the needed switching requirements. ECF evaluated the generator main line to the main electric room, switching and all related equipment and include any needed upgrades in wiring to equipment from the generator to the main electric room. The new generator was sized for a run time of no less than three (3) days at full system load. ECF also assessed the space needed for the new unit and provided construction documents for concrete pad extension, fuel capacity, run times and all related needs encompassing the upgrade and replacement of the unit. ECF advocated for cathodic protection of new generator and associated equipment to protect them for lightning strikes.
  • Annex Property Electric and Lighting Design - Port of Palm Beach
    Port of Palm Beach Engineering Staff requested ECF Engineering Consultants design lighting and electrical system for the Port annex property. ECF Engineering Consultants provided construction documents to install lighting and electrical power supply on the annex lay down storage facility.
  • Okeechobee EV Fast Charging Stations - NextEra Energy
    ECF Engineering Consultants provided engineering services to create civil, structural, and electrical designs for construction of an electric vehicle (EV) charger facility in Okeechobee, Florida. ECF's design was coordinated with Okeechobee County input and used to obtain use and building permits, material and construction bids, and finally to construct and document final condition(s).
  • Distribution Design Review Services - Florida Power and Light
    ECF is contracted to review and provide feedback for large Overhead/Underground conversions, lateral conversions, system expansions and service center designs performed by FPL Personnel and contract engineering firms. ECF is responsible for reviewing all correspondence, drawings, inventory, permit documentation and providing applicable feedback. ECF ensures that all designs meet the FPL planning scope of work, NESC guidelines, FPL standards, switching requirements and permit requirements (including railroad, FAA, FDOT, city, county, environmental). Additionally, ECF performs constructability reviews to ensure that projects can be constructed with the least impact on the customer while also meeting budgetary constraints.
  • Hardening Contractor Lead Services - FPL
    We perform pre-project constructability meetings with project designer and GF. Receive work package from FPL admin tech – ensure all necessary paper work in included and attend project pre-construction meetings. We order material, staking if needed, ensure any environmental requirements are met, ensure tree trimming is completed if needed and obtain all necessary switching orders for the crews. Monitoring progress of project to ensure due date will be met, set up any customer outages needed, remove any barriers that may hinder crews progress, address customer complaints / inquires, and perform crew safety visits at a minimum of 3/week. We approve any additional work the crews' request beyond what is engineered on job print, ensure post project restoration work is completed satisfactorily, and attend weekly project status / work load conference calls. We work with FPL PL in completing job in WMS and assist in close out and payment process and are available for storm restoration assistance.
  • Condition Assessment Contractor Lead Services - FPL
    This involves the visual detailed foot assessment survey on overhead distribution feeders. The purpose of the assessment is to locate and identify any potential problems with overhead equipment that could affect the reliability of the feeder. Each feeder is surveyed using a visual criteria that identifies disconnect switches that have Damage, Corrosion, are Misaligned, or have Flashed Insulator(s), Broken Insulator(s), Missing or Blown Arrestor Stations and are usually in an open or closed position. We perform a thorough and complete visual inspection designed to detect any and all potential problems that can affect the reliability of the line. A thorough and complete foot assessment involves a stop at the location of the equipment being inspected to ensure all potential problems are identified.
  • Distribution Engineering SSUP Services - Florida Power and Light
    ECF is contracted to provide engineering services and assist with the engineering of the SSUP (Storm Secure Underground Program) projects. This involves fieldwork to verify transformer locations, loop loading requirements, and holding meetings with contractors and contract engineering firms to ensure that the projects are designed and constructed to FPL standards.
  • Install Automatic Field Switching SSN - FPL
    Installed Antenna, SSN ebridge Radio, Substation Communication Platform and other site upgrades to support FPL distribution System automatic Field Switching installation.
  • Smart Grid Devices FCI 2017 Deployment - FPL
    The Remediation Team is responsible for identifying The malfunction of smart devices and trouble shoot diagnosis and resolutions of any issue in collaboration with the other group part of the Reliability program. The Forensic Storm Team prepares to respond after natural event (Storm/ Hurricane/ Tornado/ Flooding) to track and diagnosis any effect on the functionality of the smart grid devices. We also respond efficiently to bring back up service from unit damage cause by natural events. We patrol any part of the Distribution or Transmission lines that are part of the FPL Electric Grid. The Field Service Group Smart Devices troubleshoot field service for the Smart Devices in some of their components to design and maintain the reliability of the communications of the devices. This is done to visualize through multiple applications the signals from the system and data analysis is collected to increase the reliability of the electric system. This is all done with the goal to minimize the time response under emergencies as well as normal service interruptions for customers, and providing data accuracy and geography data to respond more efficiently.
  • Smart Grid FL - IED Tech Support - FPL
    Project work involved the configuration (programming field devices) of radios that are paired with intelligent electrical devices (IEDs), program management and technical troubleshooting of Automated Feeder Switches (AFS) and their associated communications, as well as process and application improvement support.
  • Crandon Park and Trividia - FPL
    It was requested by FPL for ECF to provide engineering services for a 750kW UPS (uninterruptable Power Supply) optional stand-by unit for the Crandon Park tennis center and the Trividia Health Facility. The UPS was used to mitigate voltage sags, surges and momentarys which occur when both customers lost power and had to be switched over to an emergency feeder. In order to achieve this, the UPS was engineered in series with the customers in- coming utility service after the service meter. Since this was after a service meter installation, ECF produced signed and sealed engineered drawings which were used to secure a permit from the building department in order to start construction. The clients criteria for the installation of the UPS was that it had to be removable from the customers existing utility service, so it could be relocated and used at another site. ECF was challenged with not only this criteria but also making sure the customer maintained utility power while the UPS was being removed. ECF was able to achieve this, leading to the project completed successfully and on schedule.
  • Cable Contractor Lead Services - FPL
    We assemble crew job package and give to crew GF, order material, staking if needed, ensure any environmental requirements are met, obtain all necessary switching orders for the crews, monitor progress of project to ensure due date will be met, set up any customer outages needed, remove any barriers that may hinder crew's progress, address customer complaints / inquires, and obtain all necessary switching orders for the crews. Perform crew safety visits at a minimum of 3/week, approve any additional work the crews request beyond what is engineered on job print, ensure post project restoration work is completed satisfactorily, attend weekly project status / work load conference calls, and work with FPL PL in completing job in WMS and assist in close out and payment process. Some Cable Services CPL's also do AMS data updates and run reports from WMS for the FPL manager and are also available for storm restoration assistance.
  • City of Lake Worth Beach Electric Systems - CLW, FL"
    Project work involved the configuration (programming field devices) of radios that are paired with intelligent electrical devices (IEDs), program management and technical troubleshooting of Automated Feeder Switches (AFS) and their associated communications, as well as process and application improvement support.
  • Storm Hardening for E11 and W18 Circuits - City of Lake Worth Beach
    ECF was contracted to provide engineering services through field investigation and documentation of existing equipment, Once the field investigation and documentation phases were completed, two (2) circuits were hardened and converted from 4kV to 26kV using the 145mph criteria. ECF identified improvement possibilities for connections between circuits for reliability and constructability improvements. All circuits were designed to meet 26vKline ratings. ECF provided construction-sequencing plans to be utilized during the construction phase of the voltage conversion and engineering support during construction. Software used to complete the design included Pole Foreman, Sag Line, ArcGIS, and AutoCAD.
  • 6th Ave South Circuit Hardening (0601, 0602, 0603, 0604) - City of Lake Worth Beach
    ECF was contracted existing equipment to provide engineering services through field investigation and documentation of existing equipment. Once the field investigation and documentation phases were completed, four (4) circuits were hardened and converted from 4kV to 26kV using the 145mph criteria. ECF also provided planning services to model four (4) circuits of the 6th Ave South Substation. ECF was able to identify improvement possibilities for connections between circuits for reliability and constructability such as converting some sections of overhead feeder to underground. All projects were designed to meet construction standards that were provided by the City of Lake Worth and NESC guidelines while attaining 26kV line ratings. ECF provided construction-sequencing plans to be utilized during the construction phase of the voltage conversion along with engineering support during the construction including complete system modeling to support construction sequencing and circuit loading during the voltage conversion. Software used to complete the design included Pole Foreman, Sag Line, ArcGIS and AutoCAD.
  • South Bay Substation - Florida Power and Light
    ECF was contracted to perform the substation & protection & control engineering for a new 230/138kV transmission substation within the existing 138/69kV substation. This new portion of the station consisted of two (2) 230kV breaker and a half bays rated for 3000 amps, autotransformer & three (3) 138kV bays rated at 3000 amps which connected to the existing 138kV bus in the station.
  • Levee Substation - FPL
    Replace six (6) 500/230 KV Single Phase Autotransformer. This design included the capabilities of performing the transfer of an installed transformer to a standby transformer.
  • Emerson East Auto Install
    Install 230-138kV, 560MVA AutoTX to East Bus. Replace existing East and West Buses to meet 63KA fault current with 5” Bus and Extra high strength insulators. This included replacing structures and foundations. Installed new 230kV Demag switch and 138kV bus switch for East Bus. Removed 230kV String bus in 1A and replaced with 3000A double breaker bay equipment, including (2) 3000A breakers and (3) disconnect switches. Bay designed with 230kV Pull-off Tower with space for future line addition. Installed new secondary battery system inside existing house. Grounding study and Lightning Shielding study performed for the entire yard.
  • 7th Avenue Substation - City of Lake Worth Beach
    ECF was contracted to perform the substation and protection & controls engineering for a new 26kV switching station. The design consisted of one (1) regulator and four (4) feeder breakers. ECF partnered with subcontractors to provide civil/structural design, surveying, and geotechnical analysis as part of the scope of the project.
  • Raven Substation - FPL
    New 230/115kV Substation - Construct one (1) 230kV bay rated for 2000 amps with one (1) line pull-off structure and connections from the West 230kV and 115kV buses to the autotransformer and three(3) 115kV bays rated for 2000 amps with five (5) line pull-off structures as shown in figure A. Install station lightning system, cameras and card reader.
  • Quarry Substation, Construction - FPL"
    ECF was contracted to perform the substation and protection & control engineering for a new 500/230kV transmission substation with two 500kV (4000A) bays, four (4) 230kV bays and four (4) single phase 500/230kV, 500MVA autotransformers, where one will be sued in the spare position. The Quarry substation layout accommodates an expansion plan for two (2) additional 500kV lines, a second autotransformer and additional 230kV lines, while also allowing space for future tertiaryshunt reactors and 230kV capacitor banks.
  • St. Johns 230 kV Inject/Cap Bank
    Expanded the substation and constructed a new 230kV switchyard with two breaker and half bays and Capacitor Bank. The expansion included the space for future 115kV bay. Perform grounding study. The 230kV ground grid and structures should be built for 63kA. Add lightning shielding as required. Performed Lighting (illumination) Study for yard, which resulted in installing perimeter & yard lighting, and reliability cameras.
  • West Bay Substation - Florida Power and Light
    ECF was contracted to perform the substation & protection & controls engineering for a new 230/13.09kV distribution substation with two (2) 40MVA and two (2) 13.09kV distribution feeders.
  • Sugar Substation, Security, Lighting & Cameras - FPL"
    Perimeter LED's & Security Camera Perform Illumination Study for Sugar site including new 500kV Yard Expansion and replacement of all existing HPSV lighting with LED. Update all relevant substation prints to incorporate the cameras and security related equipment including but not limited to card readers and gate motor operators as stipulated by Corporate Security as well as all required conduits, grounding, circuits, and any other required details.
  • Smart Grid Substation Upgrades - Florida Power and Light
    ECF was contracted in a Design-Build arrangement to design and install upgrades at approximately 245 transmission substations across the state of Florida. The scope of work included engineering, installation, and testing/commissioning of upgrades to electrical and communication systems for various functions in the substations' control schemes. Each station was unique in size and scope. ECF deployed multiple construction crews across the state, while performing all engineering from its West Palm Beach Headquarters to complete the project safely and on schedule. ECF self-performed all project management, engineering design, construction management, and material coordination through our client's systems.
  • Various Substations - FPL, FL"
    Replace distribution feeder breakers and bus tie breakers; add new feeder positions including breakers, switches, regulators, fbcts, etc. both in “old pipe rack” stations as well as in “newer moduflex” stations. During transformer additions or increase capacity projects, revise breaker load balancing for bay assignments to a given transformer and revise autorestoration & fault bus schemes as required. Evaluate foundations and oil pit containment as required. During increase ampacity projects, modify bus and switches to accommodate new ratings.
  • Flatford Solar Substation - NextEra
    ECF was contracted to perform the substation & protection & controls engineering for a new solar 230/34.5kV substation. The design consisted of one (1) 85MVA GSU, two (2) high side transmission line breakers, one (1) GSU high side 230kV breaker and one (1) 34.5kV low side breaker connected to the solar farm collector bus.
  • Martin 500kV Switchyard - FPL, FL"
    Engineered the replacement of a breaker, one wavetrap and two sets of CCVT's.
  • Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians Reservation - EBCI
    Worked in concert with the client to developing conceptual design of communication network for bring broadband network access to residential and business clients located on the Qualla Boundary, Graham County and Cherokee County communities.
  • MPLS Projects - Over 200 Substations Communication Network's Upgrade - FPL
    FPL data requirements in the substations are increasing. The existing substation SCADA data circuit technology has reached end‐of‐life and were upgraded to data rates up to 1.5MHz. The enhancement performed required additional infrastructure to be compliant to the communication provider’s protection tariffs involving GPR studies and High Voltage Isolation.
  • Communication Network/SCADA/AGC Systems
    Design, engineer and installation of the new Automatic Generator Control and SCADA system along with SONet communication network system using latest smart technologies.
  • NS1 & NS2 Transmission and Distribution Stations - CYNOG/TRES PLACIO
    Engineered substation automation platforms for transmission and distribution substations. This project included networking substation IED’s for SCADA, local annunciation, local Distributed Control System, protection functions and data acquisition local/remote to establish a full operational smart facility using state of art technology. At TP added large gas compressor (13.8kV); provided substation 69/13.8kV protective relay design and settings; interconnection protective relay design of the substation to the South Texas Electric Coop.
  • Distribution Substations Scheme 9 Double Bus Outage Scheme Upgrades at 22 Substations - FPL
    Distribution station scheme 9 DBOS (Double Bus Outage Scheme) consists of sub panel, which is integrated with existing scheme 9 overcurrent and differential panels to add oscillography, communications and enhanced automatic station restoration to the existing scheme 9. The DBOS panel consists of two SEL 751A relays with associated terminal blocks, test blocks, and wiring designed to be installed on a 19” relay rack. The panel is 16 rack units (28”) tall.
  • Various Substations - RTUs & SCADA
    Replace or upgrade RTUs for the SCADA in both transmission and distribution substations. This includes the interface to Substation Communications Processors for direct communication to Protective Relays and other IEDs in the substation control room and out in the switchyard, typically with Fiber or RS485 connections.
  • Various Substations - Scheme 8 DBOS - FPL, FL"
    Engineer upgrade to Scheme 8 DBOS differential protection in a cabinet where no space was available in the control room. Where space is available in the control room, then panel replacements.
  • Smart Grid Substation Upgrades - FPL, FL"
    Engineer, Construct and Commission upgrades at 256 substations communication, protection, automation and control systems. This included replacement of electromechanical protection relays with IED microprocessor based relays and fiber optic communications; reclosing controls modifications; Installed or modified the three types of Novatech Substation Communications Processors used for interrogation of new and existing IEDS for direct access into SCADA data repository.
  • Andytown-Dade 230kV Transmission Line - Florida Power and Light
    ECF was contracted to perform the engineering to replace eight (8) 230kV concrete H-frame structures on the Andytown-Dade and Flagami-Sheridian 230kV lone with eight (8) total vertical framed single spun concrete poles. The score of work included preparing permit drawings, detailed PLS CADD design modeling, bill of materials, construction book, structural analysis, Geotech, and coordination with local third-party municipalities.
  • Coast-Myakka 138kV line ampacity upgrade - FPL
    Project consisted of an ampacity upgrade study on a section of line to increase ampacity from 1015A @75C to 1320A @115C and the replacement of five existing double circuit concrete H-Frames with two new single circuit round spun concrete poles. Project scope includes developing PLS CADD model, performing survey point clearance evaluation, selecting poles locations for the double circuit concrete h-frames replacement, developing permit and construction drawings, environmental permitting support, cost estimates, construction packages, and ordering poles and materials.
  • Hamilton-Dranefield 69kV New Transmission Line - Lakeland Electric
    ECF was contracted to design a new 5.6 mile 69kV transmission line with distribution underbuilt that will be placed within the existing right-of-way. The new vertical framed pole line installation will be designed using steel monopoles. All dead-end steel monopoles will be guyed. All unguyed poles were designed as direct embed with concrete backfill. Scope of work included preparing permit drawings, detailed PLS CADD design modeling, bill of materials, structural analysis, Geotech, and coordination with local third-party municipalities.
  • Oakland Park - Sistrunk #2 138kV - FPL
    Project initially started as a hardening project consisting of replacing existing wood pole structures with new round spun concrete poles. Due to the inaccessibility for construction and maintenance of existing wood structures to be replaced, it was decided to relocate the portion of line on existing road right of way with a portion of the line sharing an existing distribution easement. Project scope included developing PLS CADD model, selecting new route/poles locations, developing permit and construction drawings, cost estimates, construction packages, and ordering poles and materials.
  • Grounding and Shielding Study - Alcan, Canada"
    Performed an evaluation and testing of approximately 50kM of 345kV line counterpoise grounding and bonding system to determine the line risk exposure to lightning strikes and the effective grounding of the towers.
  • Oakland Park - Pompano 138kV - FPL
    Existing wood pole structures replacement with new round spun concrete poles scope included developing PLS CADD Project model, selecting new route/poles locations, developing permit and construction drawings, cost estimates, construction packages, and ordering poles and materials.
  • Lauderdale - Palm Aire 138kV - FPL
    Project consisted of the replacement of Three wood pole structures including two wood H-Frames structures inside FPL Lauderdale Plant right of way. Project scope included developing PLS CADD model, selecting new route/poles locations, developing permit and construction drawings, environmental permitting support, cost estimates, construction packages, and ordering poles and materials.
  • Chambers-Tulip 69kV, Gracewood-Tulip 69kV Emergency Tie at Tulip Substation - Florida Power and Light
    ECF was contracted to perform engineering for a temporary seven (7) pole transmission line to connect Chambers and Gracewood transmission lines for installation of a mobile switch at Tulip Substation. The scope of work included preparing permit drawings, PLS CADD design modeling, bill of materials, construction book, structural analysis, and coordination with vendor substation group.
  • Dade-Roselawn 138kV Ampacity Increase Project - Florida Power and Light
    ECF was contracted to perform engineering to replace the existing 954 ACSR/AZ conductor with new 1431 ACSR/AW conductor for an ampacity increase from 1475 amps to 1905 amps. The scope of work included structural analysis of dead end and tangent structures for new conductor size. ECF reviewed clearances with new conductor size and adjusted as necessary (structure replacements). ECF also prepared permit drawings, custom MOT drawings, environmental permitting support, and construction books. The scope of work included preparing permit drawings, custom MOT drawings, PLS CADD design modeling, bill of materials, and construction book.
  • Airport-Dade 138kV Line - FPL
    Line Project consisted of the replacement of existing wood pole structures and relocation of a portion of line thru Dade County School Board property/park. Project scope included permitting support for a new easement thru Dade County School Board property/park, replacing/upgrade of existing 556 ACSR conductor to 954 ACSR conductor, evaluation of existing structures and insulators for new conductor size, developing PLS CADD model, developing permit and construction drawings, cost estimates, construction packages, and ordering poles and materials.
  • Lidar Mitigation - Florida Power and Light
    ECF was contracted to perform design analysis and review of transmission lines to access new and existing clearance violations. The proposed mitigation strategies for clearance violations included structure replacement, transmission structure reframes, distribution structure replacements, distribution structure reframes and third-party attachment relocation coordination. Scope of work included preparing permit drawings, PLS CADD design modeling, bill or materials, construction book, structural analysis, and coordination with distribution.
  • Millcreek-Saint John #1 and #2 115kV Ampacity Increase
    Ampacity upgrade study on a section of line to increase ampacity from 1015A @75C to 1320A @115C. Rebuilt of a 2 mile section of line consisting of double circuit H-Frames with single pole double circuit structures. Project scope includes developing PLS CADD model, performing survey point clearance evaluation, selecting poles locations for the double circuit concrete h-frames replacement, developing permit and construction drawings, environmental permitting support, cost estimates, construction packages, and ordering poles and materials.
  • Bahamas Power & Light - BPL
    Relay Coordination Study and modelling, including generator facilities and 132kV and 33kV transmission lines. Reaffirm generator protection & dynamic load modeling.
  • Transmission System Study - Anza
    Develop a conceptual design for several interconnection options and performed a lifecycle cost analysis which includes all initial and future capital expenditures, plus all appropriate operating costs required to develop and maintain an operational facility.
  • Interconnection Study - HES
    Developed several modifications to HES Power System to accommodate a new 138 kV interconnection between Florida Power & Light Co. (FPL) and HES Networks. Final recommendation was a new intertie by looping the FPL Davis to Florida City #2 138 kV Line and HES Lucy 138 kV Line at the new HES Redland Distribution Substation site.
  • Distribution Relay Vault Design - FPL
    Prepared a Specification for a Prefabricated Distribution Relay Vault and reviewed associated drawings prepared by FPL. This was a permanent prefab relay vault that will be a similar size to the building previously developed by FPL for its Roberts/Magnolia Transmission Substations, but for the distribution station. Additionally, ECF put together a spreadsheet for use when ordering the building to support the specification by defining who would be providing what items, including how they will be delivered.
  • Falls Park & Churchtown: Settings/Modeling for configuration settings & fault study - NYSEG
    ASPEN modelling of the system in order to provide coordination studies, configuration settings, and settings basis for GE & SEL protection relays. Developed HMI interfaces & data maps between HMI equipment, RTAC, IED relays, meters, etc. Developed communications and modem & Ethernet setups as well. Performed field FAT tests and designed the FAT procedures.
  • Various Substations - Scheme 8 DBOS - FPL, FL"
    Engineer upgrade to Scheme 8 DBOS differential protection in a cabinet where no space was available in the control room. Where space is available in the control room, then panel replacements.
  • St. Lucie Power Plant, Florida - FPL, FL"
    Managed structural/conditional assessment and design, where necessary, to bring the switchyard steel structures and foundations at the coastal nuclear power plant to code. Current code requirements include, among other criteria, a top wind speed of 150 mph and consideration of corrosion rates.
  • Substation Construction Lead/Oversight Substation - FPL
    We have several employees who perform the role of a Construction Lead/Oversight individual in support of all Substation Projects as assigned by the respective FPL Construction Lead. Tasks that each individual performs include but are not limited to the tasks associated with Construction Lead/ Oversight of activities by contractors such as: Minor Site Development including clearing; trenching; installation of poured & pre-cast foundations; installation of fencing and landscaping. Conduit; Raceway; Junction Box and associated support installation. Cable & Fiber pulling, testing and terminating. Installation of equipment grounding. Installation of both low and high voltage equipment. Basic Rigging and Lift Plan development.
  • Transmission Lead/Oversight Transmission - FPL
    We have several employees who perform the role of a Construction Lead/Oversight individual in support of all Transmission Projects ranging from 13kV to 240kV as assigned by the respective FPL Construction Lead. Tasks that each individual performs include but are not limited to the tasks associated with Construction Lead / Oversight of activities by contractors such as Major Site Development including right of way construction; major site clearing; trenching; installation of poured & pre-cast foundations and landscaping. Pole setting (direct embed and poured foundation) of concrete, wood and steel poles including all required grounding. Framing of poles including all bonding. Wire pulling including single / multi conductor; overhead ground wire and overhead fiber installation. Conductor transfer. Installation of guying and associated anchors. Installation of underbuilt Distribution on transmission structures. Advanced rigging and Lift Plan development. Identify & Perform OSHA Lockout / Tag-out when required for project scope.
  • Sun Edison I Project - Sun Edison
    Developing and design of PV Inverter Modules for Power One Inverter SUN EDISON I project.
  • Coast-Myakka 138kV line ampacity upgrade - NEER/FPL
    Generator Protective Relay Replacement for multiple FPL sites with microprocessor relays: Generator protective relay settings - (Martin, Manatee, Ft Myers, & Sanford combined cycle units - FPL: Large generating facilities / Power Plants- Motors protective relay settings using microprocessor relays.
  • DeSoto County Generating Company - NAES
    Provided technical support to the generator owner in documenting the methodology for determining facility rating (per NERC FAC-008 & 009 and CAN- 008) of its Generating Facility from point of interconnection to the GSU.
  • Nodal Substation - NextEra, Spain"
    Provided professional services in the assessment and field verification of conformance of the proposed commissioning and testing program of the substation P&C systems.
  • Water Turbine Generation Interconnection - Fla Hydro
    Developed conceptual design for the interconnection facilities required to interconnect Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) Transmission System in the San Francisco, CA Bay area to 10 MW and up to 200 MW blocks of tidal driven generation. This design used latest smart grid technologies in the operation, control and data acquisition systems required for this installation.
  • Solar Site GSU - FPL
    Develop an FPL System Relay Standards for the interconnection wiring associated with equipment installed in the GSU Relay Vault for Utility Scale PV sites.
  • Deer Island Power Plant and Distribution System - MWRA, MA"
    Performed electrical engineering tasks associated with the detail design of the 70MW On Site Thermal Power Plant (OSTPP) EPC, the Main Substation and the 15kV power distribution system for Deer Island. Duties included preparation of a complete Engineering, Procurement, and Construction contract (EPC) for the island
  • Various (8) Locations Combine Cycle and Wind Power Plants - CPV
    Negotiated interconnection agreements with electrical utilities, developed alternative interfaces, scopes of work, and technical considerations associated interconnection Competitive Power Ventures generation to electrical power system.
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  • Benefits
    Benefits We Offer
  • Training
    Link to Mineral Training Platform
  • Waivers & Signed Documents
    Media Consent, Release & Waiver ECF Gym Wavier ECF Company Vehicle Agreement & Registration Driver Safety Manual & Acknowledgment Receipt
  • VantagePoint
    Vantagepoint Time and Expense User Guide Link to Vantagepoint
  • ADP
    Link to ADP: Paystubs, Direct Deposit, W-2s 401K (Participation commences 6 months after employment date) 401K Retirement Plan - Educational Kit E.C. Fennell, P.A. 401(k) Profit Sharing Plan & Trust

To view our Statement of Qualifications with an extended list of projects, click here.

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