Our Project Team utilizes a systematic approach to identify and provide the functional requirements for the project which allows them to identify opportunities to optimum cost, while maintaining or improving the basic design objectives. To accomplish this task, ECF’s Project Team will use a Value Engineering/Construction (VEC) program that will ensure that the project’s objectives will be met or exceed the desired result established by our clients.
This method of providing valued service from engineering through construction services results in a time-phase process that ends only when the final results are provided in an in-service facility that meets the clients’ requirements.
The ECF project team will apply VEC methodologies in managing the deliverables associated with this project. The VEC being implemented on this project follows a well-documented, proven strategy comprised of a structured process for answering the following questions:
What it is?
What does it do?
What must it do?
What does it cost?
What is the budget?
What is it worth?
The VEC process used by the ECF team will utilize formal reviews during monthly quality meetings to validate our conformance to the design, engineering, and construction matrices/indicators associated with tasks required to complete the project. This will be accomplished by using check valves during the engineering and construction phases of the project. These check valves serve as points in the process for a controlled approach in translating our client’s guidelines, specifications, and operating practices into an electrical facility; that fulfills the client’s operational, performance, and cost requirements for the project.